According to Wikipedia affirmations refer primarily to the practice of positive thinking and self-empowerment—fostering a belief that "a positive mental attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything." It continues to say that, more specifically, an affirmation is a carefully formatted statement that should be repeated to one's self and written down frequently. And for affirmations to be effective, it is said that they need to be present tense, positive, personal and specific.
When we repeat our affirmations often, and truly believe in them, we can start to make positive changes and even see the results in our life. It is a powerful tool that many people use. Some may consider affirmations to be unrealistic "wishful thinking." Some may even say that it's bogus. Others have thought of it to be frustrating, awkward, confusing and overwhelming. Which is completely understandable, especially to ones who don't know much about affirmations or don't know how to use it properly. But I do have to say that it is definitely something worth learning. Once you get it down it will soon become a practice of life - it's basically similar to the "As If Technique." We use this to build up self-belief in the subconscious mind.
If we want to see a positive change, we can use positive affirmations any time of the day, anywhere we are at and in any given situation we're in, Affirmations work a lot better when you have great goal setting techniques, plus adding more positive thinking, and doing visualization.
We can use affirmations in just about every and any aspect in life. To name a few examples would be overcoming certain habits, controlling negative feelings, boosting confidence, improving self and productivity. The real power of affirmations really depends and relies on the person. repeating them regularly and believing them. It is more effective to recite the affirmations many times during the day. I personally suggest to chant them out loud in the morning when waking up or when getting ready for the day. It is also best to repeat them right before going to bed. Another suggestion is to say those affirmations when you catch yourself thinking negatively. (This was definitely a challenge - to keep watch of your thoughts.) Every new week I like to write a different affirmation on my bathroom mirror as a reminder.
Here are the steps:
1) Take 3 deep breathes, inhaling and exhaling to a count of 5 or 10.
2) Stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself in the eyes. (This is an optional step, but to use affirmations effectively I would suggest doing this step.)
3) Say your affirmation(s) out loud slowly and clearly.
4) Repeat / Chant your affirmations 3 to 5 times really focusing on the meaning of each word. (What does it mean to you?)
5) Take another 3 deep breathes, inhaling and exhaling to a count of 5 or 10 times. Allow your body and inner self to really feel and absorb the positive feelings from chanting your affirmations.
1) Start with these 2 words, "I am..."
2) Use it in present tense.
3) Make it specific.
4) Make it brief.
5) Include an action word.
6) Include at least one or a couple of powerful / dynamic feelings, emotions, or words.
7) State it in a positive way.
8) Make the affirmation yours, not for others.
I am so grateful and blessed for my life.
I am love. I am loved. I am worth loving, There is love all around me and everywhere I go.
I am powerful.
I am honoring myself and/or others.
I am confident, capable and achieving everything I set my mind to.
I am ready, willing, and happy to receive money.
I am optimistic.
I am attracting a happier and healthier life everyday, and I trust the Universe to give me what I need.
I am honoring my higher self.
I am letting go.
I respect and honor myself.
My body / mind knows how to heal itself, and it's healing itself right now.
I am open to new opportunities.
My life is full of abundance and joy.
Well, I hope this short article gave a little basic understanding on affirmations and how they can make an impact in one's life.
So remember, affirmations are positive phrases / statements that can help with self-empowerment, positive thinking and overcome those negative thoughts and behavior(s). Affirmations can be used in any area in life; financial, family, health, career, etc. Lastly, to make your own affirmations state it in the present form and positive way, make it brief and specific, and make it for you.
Another thing, don't forget that affirmations are more effective when you use other strategies such as visioning and goal setting.